Customized solutions

Order a customized solution

Each department of a company faces business problems that require prompt solutions. However, many shrink-wrapped software products leave out industry features and therefore are able to cope with only a few tasks. 

We specialize in creating business process automation programs and guarantee their high quality.

Customized solutions Novo BI

You need a customized solution if:

You need integrated planning with suppliers, contractors, customers

Requirements have changed, and the existing system is unable to fully solve the tasks

You need to accumulate data from different systems into a single source to work more efficiently

Operating scenario

  • The first step of developing customized solutions

    You describe the business processes and set tasks you want to be solved first. We decide on the composition of the basic version of the product, including your foremost need. We develop the basic version of the product and shape the vision of the future information system.

  • The second step of the developing customized solutions
    We prepare a functional description of the basic version of the product. This document explains what information will be processed and how users will work with the information system.
  • The third step of the developing customized solutions
    We compile a business proposal, where we indicate how everything will work. It contains detailed cost estimation for information system development. At this stage, you can choose additional functions.

Benefits of working for us

We provide teams with the necessary number of developers with proper qualifications and project managers to implement the solution in your company.

All stages of work are fully transparent

You save time and resources

We ensure constant supervision and support

Learn more

Contact us

+7 (495) 215 10 82
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Исследования осуществляются Novo BI при грантовой поддержке Фонда «Сколково» 121205, Russia, Moscow, territory of the SKOLKOVO innovation center, 42 Bolshoy Boulevard, p. 1, floor 3, office 1131


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