Novo Forecast PRO

Create a forecast in Excel

Novo Forecast PRO

Novo Forecast PRO (NF PRO) is an Excel add-in that automates data forecasting: data preparation (outlier removal, zero imputation), forecasting (selecting the necessary forecasting model for each time series). Download and install the Trial version of Novo Forecast PRO and get accurate one-click forecasts, regulate the forecast with new factors, and create relevant sales plans.


Easily prepare data for forecasting
Novo Forecast PRO finds outliers and gross errors in the data array, calculates the forecast for the outlier or zero value period, and excludes time periods that do not correlate with the latest cycles.
Calculate forecast with automatic model selection
Novo Forecast PRO analyzes time series, selects combinations of forecasting models, tests them, and calculates the forecast.
Configure Novo Forecast for yourself
You can also exclude models from the automatic selection and choose which models to use when calculating the forecast depending on the characteristics of the time series.
Forecast in the context of seasonality and trend
Novo Forecast PRO automatically calculates trend and seasonality for a daily, monthly, quarterly time series or for a random number of periods in a cycle.
Add your own factors to the forecast
Consider the factors that will affect the result in the future. Regulate the forecast with the growth factors and absolute values, compare the plan with the forecast.
Analyze data
Instantly create validation tables, graphs, and dashboards to analyze outliers, forecast errors and model accuracy.
Easily export data from NF PRO
Forecasting results are automatically converted into a flat table for uploading to the database.
Apply ABC-XYZ analysis
Novo Forecast PRO automatically distributes forecast objects into ABC-XYZ analysis groups within defined boundaries. The analysis is conducted for actual and forecast data.


Use modern forecasting technologies, which do not require any special knowledge and long-term training.
  • Get your first forecast in 3 minutes.
    Install the program, open Excel and get down to calculating forecasts right away. You will not need software developers or mathematicians to help.

  • Suitable for users of any level.
    Fully automated mode for beginners and fine adjustment of models for experienced forecasters.

  • Regular feature updates.
    Novo Forecast PRO has been downloaded by over fifteen thousand users. Algorithms and model combinations are regularly updated and improved according to the feedback from practicing forecasters.

  • Automatic model selection from over three thousand combinations.
    Novo Forecast PRO core calculates accurate forecasts for all kinds of time series.


In the new version:

  1. Improved accuracy of model forecasting Moving average with seasonality, Running medians smoothing with seasonality, Double moving average with seasonality;
  2. Improved algorithm for automatic model selection.


NF PRO instruction


How long does the Trial last?
10 unique days. They include the number of times you use the program, not the number of days after installation.
How to pay by bank transfer?

Send us your organization details to prepare an invoice and a contract at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and specify the number of licenses you plan to purchase.

We will send you the invoice and the contract in return. Upon payment, we will send you license codes to activate the licenses, as well as closing documents (contract, specification, assignment deed) to the specified e-mail address as soon as possible.

How to prepare data for forecasting?

You can find all the information in the instruction.

Download free

Contact us

+7 (495) 215 10 82
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Исследования осуществляются Novo BI при грантовой поддержке Фонда «Сколково» 121205, Russia, Moscow, territory of the SKOLKOVO innovation center, 42 Bolshoy Boulevard, p. 1, floor 3, office 1131


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