About us

Novo BI has worked its way from a startup developing solutions for domain experts to a technology vendor in just a few years. We help large and mid-size companies to increase their competitiveness, foster their growth and development. We specialize in:

We develop and implement solutions based on Microsoft and Qlik best international practices. All our employees undergo continuing professional education and training in programming, which is confirmed by certificates. In our work, we pursue an iterative approach, which involves continuous improvement through constant analysis of the results (including user feedback).

Our values and mission

Novo BI employees are convinced that the extensive use of real-time analytics, big data processing technologies, and machine learning algorithms help to transform the business and make it digital and highly competitive. Our mission is to help companies create new opportunities for growth based on modern information technologies.

Our values:

Openness and overall personal responsibility
Commitment to each client's success
Ongoing development of our own technologies

Industry development

Novo BI is a regular partner of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, the largest professional logistics community in the Russian Federation. The organization comprises more than three thousand representatives of the largest Russian and foreign companies. Our work in the Council involves sharing our experience and knowledge, analyzing topical issues, searching for solutions, and studying real cases.

We also actively participate in key international and Russian business conferences and organize sessions on forecasting and planning. In addition, we create educational courses for specialists dealing with planning and forecasting.

Executive Team

Evgenii Nepeivoda
Co-Founder & CEO
Aleksei Baturin
Co-Founder & COO
Pavel Sinitsyn
Director of business development

Our clients

Currently, our client portfolio includes more than two hundred large and mid-size companies from various industries, which employ our technologies worldwide to make informed decisions, respond quickly to market changes and meet customer needs.

    Contact us

    +7 (495) 215 10 82
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    Исследования осуществляются Novo BI при грантовой поддержке Фонда «Сколково» 121205, Russia, Moscow, territory of the SKOLKOVO innovation center, 42 Bolshoy Boulevard, p. 1, floor 3, office 1131


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