Privacy Policy

This User Agreement is a gratuitous contract for information services, as well as the use of personal data on the conditions set forth below. Carefully read the terms of this User Agreement before using the Service. If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement and the Mandatory conditions specified in it, you should immediately stop any use of the Service.
  • 1. General provisions

    1.1. The following terms and definitions apply in this document and the resulting or related relations of the Parties:

    a) Service - a set of functional capabilities of the software and hardware of the Copyright Holder, including the Site and Content, to which the User is granted access for information services.
    b) Website - an automated information system available on the Internet at
    c) User - you and/or another person in whose interests you have entered into this Agreement with the Copyright Holder in accordance with the requirements of applicable law and this Agreement.
    d) Content - any informational materials, including text, graphic, audiovisual and other materials that can be accessed using the Service.
    e) Personal data - any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or determinable natural person (the subject of personal data).

    1.2. Your use of the Service in any way and in any form within its declared functionality, including:
    • viewing Content within the Service;
    • subscription to the newsletter;
    • sending a message using forms on the Site;
    • registration on the website;
    • other use of the Service.
    creates an agreement on the terms of this Agreement and the documents specified therein binding on the Parties in accordance with the provisions of Articles 437 and 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

    1.3. By using any of the above options for using the Service, you confirm that:
    a) We familiarized ourselves with the terms of this Agreement in full before using the Service.
    b) Accept all the terms of this Agreement in full without any exceptions and restrictions on your part and undertake to comply with them or stop using the Service.

    2. General conditions for using the Service The Copyright Holder has the right to set limits and introduce other technical restrictions on the use of the Service, which from time to time will be brought to the attention of Users in the form and manner at the option of the Copyright Holder.

    a) We familiarized ourselves with the terms of this Agreement in full before using the Service.
    b) Accept all the terms of this Agreement in full without any exceptions and restrictions on your part and undertake to comply with them or stop using the Service.
  • 2. General conditions for using the Service
    The Copyright Holder has the right to set limits and introduce other technical restrictions on the use of the Service, which from time to time will be brought to the attention of Users in the form and manner at the option of the Copyright Holder.
  • 3. Limitations
    By agreeing to the terms of this User Agreement, you understand and acknowledge that:
    3.1. The provisions of the legislation on the protection of consumer rights are not subject to the relations of the Parties to provide the Service free of charge.
    3.2. The Service is provided for informational use on an “as is” basis, in connection with which the Users are not provided with any guarantees that the Service will meet all the requirements of the User; services will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors; the results that can be obtained using the Service will be accurate and reliable; the quality of any product, service, information and Content obtained using the Service will meet the expectations of the User; all errors in the Content and / or software of the Service will be corrected.
    3.3. Since the Service is at the stage of constant updating and updating of new functionalities, the form and nature of the services provided may change from time to time without prior notice to the User. The Copyright Holder has the right at its sole discretion to stop (temporarily or permanently) the provision of services (or any individual functions within the services) to all Users in general or to you, in particular, without your prior notice.
    3.4. The user has no right alone or with the involvement of third parties:

    • copy (reproduce) in any form and method included in the composition of the Rightholder’s Service computer programs and databases, including any of their elements and Content, without obtaining the prior written consent of their owner;
    • open the technology, emulate, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform other similar actions with the Service;
    • create software products and / or services using the Service without obtaining the prior permission of the Copyright Holder.

  • 4. Notifications
    4.1. The User agrees to receive informational electronic messages (hereinafter referred to as “notifiers”) from the Copyright Holder to the email address that you specified when working with the Service.
    4.2. The Copyright Holder has the right to use notifiers to inform the User about changes and new features of the Service, about changing the Agreement or the Mandatory documents specified in it, as well as for newsletters of an informational or advertising nature.
  • 5. Transfer and processing of personal data
    5.1 The user agrees to the transfer and processing of personal data by Novo Bai Limited Liability Company in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006, No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data". The list of personal data for the processing of which consent is given: surname, name, phone number, email address, position, name of the company in which the User works.
    5.2 The Copyright Holder has the right to establish requirements for the composition of the Anonymized Data of the User, which are collected using the Site.

    5.2.1 Anonymized data includes the following information that does not allow you to identify.
    5.2.2 Data that is transmitted in anonymous form in automatic mode, depending on the settings of the software you use and browser data.
    5.3 The composition and conditions for the collection of anonymized data using third-party software are determined directly by their copyright holders and may include:
    • browser data (type, version, cookie);
    • device data and location;
    • operating system data (type, version, screen resolution);
    • request data (time, transition source, IP address).
    5.4 You acknowledge and accept the possibility of using third-party software on the Site, as a result of which such persons may receive and transmit the data specified in clause 5.3 in an anonymous form.
    5.5 The Copyright Holder is not responsible for the procedure for using the Anonymous Data of the User by third parties.

  • 6. Protection of personal data
    6.1. The Copyright Holder shall ensure that confidential information is kept secret, not disclosed without the prior written permission of the User, and also not to sell, exchange, publish or disclose in any other possible way the personal data of the User transferred, with the exception of clause 5.4. and 5.5. present agreement.
    6.2 The Copyright Holder is obliged to take precautions to protect the confidentiality of the User’s personal data in accordance with the procedure usually used to protect this kind of information in the existing business turnover.
    6.3 The Rightholder is obliged to block personal data related to the relevant User from the moment of contacting or requesting the User or his legal representative or authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects for the period of verification, in case of revealing inaccurate personal data or illegal actions.
    6.4. The processing time for personal data is unlimited. The user can withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending a notification to the Rightholder by e-mail to the e-mail address of the Rightholder This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. marked “Revocation of consent to the processing of personal data”.
  • 7. Other conditions
    7.1 This User Agreement, the procedure for its conclusion and execution, as well as issues not regulated by this Agreement, are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    7.2 This Agreement may be amended or terminated by the Copyright Holder unilaterally without prior notice to the User and without payment of any compensation in this regard.
Contact us

+7 (495) 215 10 82
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Исследования осуществляются Novo BI при грантовой поддержке Фонда «Сколково» 121205, Russia, Moscow, territory of the SKOLKOVO innovation center, 42 Bolshoy Boulevard, p. 1, floor 3, office 1131


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